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Founder of Hinduism

QUESTION: Who was the founder of Hinduism?


For hundreds of years, many people have searched for some evidence of the founder of Hinduism. The religion, which is open to interpretation, is a collection of paths to wisdom that is based on human reasoning rather than a divine authority and a finger cannot be pointed at a specific founder.

The earliest indications of the term Hindu come from the Punjab and the Indus Valley in India. The culture that was established in the third millennium BC is evidenced in the excavations of two cities. If you lived in that region, no matter what religion you believed, you became known as a Hindu or Hindu Muslim.

Located by rivers, the culture used water for irrigating the fertile plains. The people not only used the river for bathing but also for ritual cleansings. The waters became known as 'rivers of life' and therefore presumed to be sacred. Hindus believe that 'religion' is just another aspect of their bodies as is breathing.

The temples that have been found have no indication of a primary deity. There are many 'gods' and 'goddesses' as symbols of creativity and the ongoing flow of life. Each village had its own unique statue to worship. The aspect of politics mixed with religion models ancient Babylonia, where the ruler was seen as a 'son' of the mother-goddess.

Thus, this religion was subject to new philosophies that changed with time. Hinduism consists of a wide range of beliefs that are not related to the other at all. There is no known founder of Hinduism, no creed, no single source of authority. All related Hindu philosophies share just a resemblance to each other. There is no defined beginning as with other religions.

With over 750 million believers, the majority of Hindus live in India. Much smaller numbers are reported in most countries worldwide.

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